You have to love the internet. You need to know something, you probably can find an answer somewhere on the web, whether it is reliable and valid, will depend on part on whether or not you care whether something is reliable and valid.
I have an addiction to food blogs and food information on the internet. I frequently start with
Epicurious when I am looking for new recipes. I peek at the
New York Times and Washington Post Food sections from miles a way. I have several blogs that I follow. I can see what other people are cooking, and refresh my mind at the same time.
However, sometimes it goes into overload.
I had read about
a group who were making all their bread for 2009. Although it is a little late to join, being July, I don't think that I could do it. First I would have to have my judges sign a contract that said that they would not increase their consumption rate if the bread was homemade and then I would have to add some recipes to my repertoire.
I have never made hamburger buns. This little fact was sitting in the back of my culinary conscience, poking at me. There was a recent post on King Arthur's Blog about
cheese burger buns, not really what I was looking for and then The New York Times did an article about the
perfect burger and
SmittenKitchen made them and said they were good. Enough to make me want to try them.
One of my sons has been dropping hints about needing cookies. I have made Ranger Cookies so many times, I just can't bring myself to make them again. I have been looking at the blogs of some of the participants in the Bread Baker's Apprentice. The first 200 are found on
a blog roll that Nicole of Pinch my Salt composed.
Salt & Serenity recently made Skor bars, they looked delicious. The recipe can be found here
Skor Bar Cookies. I book marked them and put them in my to do column.
SmittenKitchen blogged about a lemon mint granita that she had made. I love lemon desserts, and in this heat, it seemed like a natural. In my back yard, I have enough rosemary, mint, oregano and bay to handle any recipe that I come across. The basil is not happy in this heat and the chives have succumb.
And then, in the perfect storm, CPS asked us not to use our appliances between 3pm to 7pm to cut down on electricity usage. Somehow, I decided burgers were in order and now was the time to try a new burger bun recipe. And while they were rising, number one son's med refills needed to be sent to him, so why not seize the moment and make some cookies? Seemed like the perfect time to try the Skor bars. So, if we were having burgers and it is so hot, we might need a refreshing dessert and lemons were on sale.
Maybe I was trying to avoid cleaning???
The Skor bars were made with Heath bars but they were delicious. They did not all find their way into the box headed to number one son. With one teenager still in the house, with an acute awareness that there is baking going on, did you ever think that all of the bars would be packaged and sent.

The recipe is definitely a keeper.
The buns were delicious, light, flavorful.

The lemon mint granita was a great dessert. In my house, two of my children eat lemons. No added sugar. I let one of them, my daughter, flavor the granita. It was tart and refreshing. We have decided that we will have to make it again when Joe comes back to the fold.